Travel Diaries – CENTER PARCS, Elveden Forest 2018

It’s hard to believe that myself, Rosie and Tanya have been tripping to Center Parcs for 2 years now. Yet still every visit is as good, if not better, than our first. Our last visit was at the beginning of the year, in fact, the very week of my birthday in January. This time saw the introduction of Daisy, my best uni chum, to the adventure. We all had such a good time the year before to our trip to Disneyland Paris, we all thought a fourth guest would be perfect.

It’s safe to say that we all had an absolutely brilliant time. We enjoyed introducing Daisy to the world of Center Parcs, and also having a go at a few loved, and new, activities. Wanna see what we got up to? Why not tag along and watch our trip below! Reading more your thing? You can read about our trip further down – enjoy!



Day one

As self titled Center Parc Veterans we had our packing and timing down to a tee. We arrived at Elveden just slightly before the gates to the village were opening. We drove round to our lodge and were unpacking the car in no time. We settled into our lodge, our home for next 5 days, before heading out to take Ro’s car back to the car park.

Then it was to the Sports Plaza where we had pre-booked for a game Football Pool. Now, none of us are that familiar with pool or football so we knew going into this that; 1) we weren’t going to be very good at this and 2) it was going to be hilarious. And, well, we did not disappoint. The game wasn’t too difficult, but all had good fun trying to kick these footballs into the tiny goals around the over sized pool table. This is where I encourage you to refer to the video!

After our game of Football Pool we made our way to the Sports Cafe where it was burgers all round. Myself and Daisy then challenged our self to the largest sundae we could of asked for. After well and truly stuffing our faces it was then back to the lodge for some snacks (obviously, I mean who could say no to more snacks after all of that food) and the start of our UNO tournament. The strength of our friendships were really put to the test this trip with some dicy games of UNO… Mentioning no names girls…

Day two

Our first full day was set to be a good one. The first activity of the day was Pottery PaintingOK, it may sound a little childish, but don’t judge it until you’ve tried it! It’s great fun and rather relaxing to, you even get to take something home with you, what’s not to love?! I painted a little squirrel this time. The girls also made some lovely creations too.

After our pottery session it was off to the Subtropical Swimming Paradise to have an afternoon of swimming fun. We hit the rapids, slides, wave pool and jacuzzi – we had an absolute whale of a time.

Once we the fun at the pool was over, we headed to the village shops for a tipple for the evening before heading back to our lodge. Then it was time for a refresh and a change of clothes and a bite to eat. For dinner was had booked into Bella Italia for a host of Italian food and cocktails. Delish. We ended the night with drinks and another competitive game of UNO…

Day three

We were all very excited for the day three, as it was the day we were trying out Field Archery for the very first time. There were a few hesitations on whether we’d all make it out in one piece, or whether or not one of us would be leaving a bit holier. But luckily we all made it out OK and we all had an amazing time! We’d definitely be giving it ago again!

We refuelled with a well-needed Starbucks then it was off to our next activity… Bowling! We had just under an hour to bowl as much as we could, and we all had a great time throwing those balls down the lane.

After our number of bowling games were over we headed back to the pottery studio to pick up our glazed and finished items, and they were all absolutely beautiful! Even if I say so myself… After a quick stop for an Instagram photoshoot it was back to the lodge for a few hours of relaxing and watching day time television trash.

For dinner we had Huck’s American Bar and Grill. It was super yummy! Myself, Daisy and Tanya then spent the evening back in the swimming pool – nothing better than a late night swim to avoid all the kiddies!

Day four

Our last full day in Center Parcs was spent the best way possible… At the spa. But before that I woke up to a birthday surprise! The girls had decorated to lodge with balloons and banners for my birthday which was super sweet and I loved it.

Then it was to the spa to spend the day relaxing. Absolute bliss.

We had dinner in The Foresters Inn which was conveniently located right next to the Aqua Spa. And of course, not day would be finished without another game of UNO and opening my lovely presents!

Day five 

It was time to leave Center Parcs once again and make our way back home. No trip would be complete without a visit to the Pancake House. A great way to end a great trip. Until next time Center Parcs!


Hope you enjoyed the post! Have you ever visited Center Parcs? Which one, and what was your favourite activity? Let me know it the comments!

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